Bachelor in Business (Marketing) (Hons)

At the moment, the only program we offer is Bachelor in Business majroing in Marketing. Within next years we will open more program both undergraduate and graduate. But, why Marketing?

With greater competition in markets arising from deregulation, technological change and globalisation and ASEAN Economic Community 2015 in particular, an understanding of marketing is becoming increasingly crucial for professionals in both private and government business areas. In a more competitive world, graduates with the ability to add value to products and services have an edge over others.

This program is designed to provide students with a sound background in business, together with an understanding of marketing’s role within and between organisations.

On completion of the program, graduates would have acquired decision-making skills and be innovative in their approach to business problems and situations. Furthermore, the program develops critical thinking and communication skills so that graduates may deal effectively with the continually changing business environment.

To achieve these aims, the program integrates the development of practical skills and knowledge, with a strong emphasis on understanding current theories and the latest research.